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Fortune Cookie Valentines!

Updated: Feb 16, 2018

These little paper fortune cookies are effortlessly adorable and are an easy way to spread joy to your family, workplace, or social circle. I have been making these with patients and their families at the Cancer Center & Children's Hospital this past month as a positive distraction and wonderful way to spread positivity around the hospital and beyond. By using compliments & good fortunes these paper cookies are sure to make anyone's day. I have been telling patients to write something they would want to hear today on a cookie and leave it in the basket for the universe to choose who it goes to next. You only need a few basic supplies and the majority you probably already have sitting at your house. See below for my *edited* version of Evermine. com's instructions which is the site I got my original idea from last year.


1. Colorful paper of any kind. *I like to use metallic scrapbook paper but construction paper, origami paper, card stock paper etc. all work!

2. White Paper strips (regular computer paper works great)

3. Elmer's glue

4. Paper clips

5. Scissors

6. Pen (for writing your fortunes)


1. Cut your circles. Trace circles onto your paper of choice. Cut out as many as you plan to make. I used a lid to a container approximately the size of my hand to get a true circle (approx. 5-7 inches in diameter)

2. Cut strips of white paper and write good fortunes, Valentines wishes, or compliments on them.

3. Follow the step by step process (photos included) of folding & gluing the cookie at

4. When it comes to the gluing part I found Elmer's glue to work much better than the glue stick they recommend. Slip a paper clip into the opening to keep it closed while it sets and dries. Repeat!

Happy Valentine's Day!


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